13 May 2024

Mrs Dominique Ouattara, at the cocktail party offered to the donors and partners of the 9th charity dinner: “We have more than achieved the objective we set for this 9th edition”

For the Children Of Africa Foundation, the promise of flowers has been fulfilled. Indeed, the 9th Children Of Africa Foundation Charity Dinner, held on March 1 in Abidjan, was a resounding success. And the funds raised during this charity evening will be used to build and equip a pediatric cardiology wing, dedicated to operations on children with heart disease.

This is the key information revealed by Mrs Dominique Ouattara, President of the Children Of Africa Foundation, on Thursday May 2, 2024, at a cocktail party organized for the major donors and partners who contributed to the success of the 9th Children Of Africa Charity Dinner. The ceremony, which took place in the garden of the Children Of Africa Foundation headquarters in Cocody, witnessed the presence of a number of personalities, including donors, Foundation partners and a large number of journalists.

Mrs Dominique Ouattara took this opportunity to thank each and every one of her guests. The wife of the Head of State expressed her gratitude to her guests for their exceptional attendance at  the 9th Gala Dinner. In her view, their commitment to the well-being of children and to the cause championed by the Children Of Africa Foundation for the past 25 years was a perfect illustration of their dedication. “Thank you for your respective contributions, thanks to which we are able to work miracles. Dear donors, thanks to your invaluable contributions, we were able to more than meet the target set for this ninth edition. (…) I can say that this 9th Children of Africa Foundation Gala Dinner was a great success. The organization, artistic performances, or the prestige and quality of the guests, everything came together to make this an unforgettable event”, revealed Mrs Dominique Ouattara, President of the Children Of Africa Foundation. She added: “This will enable us to build and equip a pediatric cardiology wing, dedicated to operations on children with heart disease. This specialized wing will be housed within the Bingerville Mother and Child Hospital, and will be able to treat all children requiring specific care, including open-heart surgery” , She added.

As a mark of her gratitude to all these people, Mrs Dominique Ouattara presented awards to the major donors, as well as to the media organizations that supported her in organizing the last gala dinner. “This gesture is a symbolic way of saying a huge thank you, because it’s also thanks to you that we manage, year after year, to help the most disadvantaged, especially children and their mothers”, Mrs Dominique Ouattara explained. Madame Dominique Ouattara also thanked the members of the Gala’s organizing committee, as well as all the partners, members of the Children Of Africa Foundation and volunteers, and all the media for their support over the years.

Résumé de l’action


Children Of Africa Foundation’s headquarters

Champ d'action

support for the Children Of Africa Foundation’s projects

Type de projet

cocktail party to thank donors and partners for the 9th edition of the Charity Dinner hosted by the Children Of Africa Foundation


Thursday 02 May 2024
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